NEWS: ICTG Has been fully acquired by previous COO Colin Redfern. We look forward to continuing to deliver leading IPAC training products and courses. More to come.

ICTG courses are tailored to address the needs of you business and staff

Our goal is to help your team develop their knowledge and skills to create safety systems. Your team will demonstrate IPAC best practices in their work and foster trust and confidence in your business.
Find Your Perfect Online Course

Online courses

ICTG is a leading edge Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) training provider in North America. ICTG provides real-world, practical education for professionals involved in health care facility (HCF) design, planning, construction, renovation or maintenance.

Facilities Maintenance / Working in Healthcare Facilities

This course provides information to manage day-to-day infection prevention and control (IPAC) services as well as how to set up infection prevention, control measures and systems for small renovations.

(GST Included)
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Construction and Renovating Healthcare Facilities

This course provides foundation information about infection prevention and control (IPAC) in healthcare settings for people working in construction and renovations.

(GST Included)
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Protecting Yourself and Others

Investment in this course will support workers to develop an in-depth understanding of the nature of infectious diseases, how they spread in the community, and how to intervene preventatively in their spread.

(GST Included)
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IPAC Awareness for Maintaining Healthcare Facilities

This course is for trades and other service workers that are involved in contract maintenance work within health care facilities.

(GST Included)
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IPAC Awareness Construction Trades

This course is for those who perform or are involved in construction work within health care facilities.

(GST Included)
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Custom Course Solutions

Contact us to create a course for your team.

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In a unique industry? We create custom coursework.

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ICTG Training Benefits

Efficient, economical, and effective, our courses are designed for businesses, not lecture halls. They equip your organization with practical actionable strategies that can have an immediate impact on safety.

CSA Certified Courses

We train your team to understand IPAC requirements

Cost Effective

Economical and efficient training to meet your project needs

Custom Courses

Develop training to meet the IPAC needs of your team

Real World Relevance

Scenario based problem solving sessions for adult learners

Practical Training

Hands on experiences, small group breakout sessions

Work Safely

Protect your teams and facility occupants

Why choose ICTG

Infection Control Training Group provides leading edge, practical and economical training for your team.
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  • Craig’s strong educational background and his extensive infection prevention and control experience was seen in his training course; every question was answered clear and concisely with backing from Canadian standards and industry-accepted practices. Our employees, in unison, all have mentioned they came out of the course more informed and commended Craig’s teaching style. With such positive feedback and our ever-growing presence in hospitals, we will continue to use Infection Control Training Group’s services to further train new employees on their Infection Control responsibilities. All in all, we highly recommend Infection Control Training Group due to their professionalism, formidable knowledge of infection control standards and practices, and the highly interactiveapproach of the course. if you’re looking for a reputable trainer, Infection Control Training Group will not just meet, but exceed your expectations.

    Faisal Omar, B.aSc. | Health & Safety Coordinator Toronto
  • It was an excellent day and exceptionally informative. Your presentation style and demeanor made it easy to absorb the content, which has enabled our company to incorporate some new structures and procedures to enhance our service and professionalism. This will go a long way tin cervicing infection control projects with our contract with the Vancouver Island HJealth Authority.

    Shane | Operations Manager, PROPACIFIC DKI

Facts & Questions

CSA does not “approve” any course or training provider in Canada. Training providers are not required to receive approval from CSA Group.

Our training course content focus is on key, industry-accepted, IPAC principles that are commonly known and used throughout Canada, and internationally.

Several Health Authorities, HCFs, and other ‘Authorities Having Jurisdiction’ have contracted with ICTG to create training courses for their staff and external stakeholders.

Yes. Our certification training courses include a carefully designed exam that tests your understanding of the subject and the practical skills relevant to your work.

Our knowledge competency exam is more than a quiz (which is generally utilized for awareness-type courses). A minimum passing mark of 80% is required to achieve certification of completion.

Yes. We provide ‘equivalent’ (and certification) training as allowed for under the 2017 CSA Standard (see above for further information).

The CSA Group cannot legally restrict training to just their instructors or their training content

ICTG has trained several stakeholders (trades, facilities maintenance, infection prevention and control etc.) that have had ICTG’s knowledge certification training accepted by their clients (e.g. Health Authorities) and/or specific HCFs. Participants who pass a knowledge competency exam will receive a certificate of completion.

This is a simple matter of applying for a “change order” (or confirming with your client in writing) that ICTG knowledge certified training is considered as a qualified, equivalent, and acceptable alternative.

Many in procurement may be unaware that equivalency, alternate training even exists, which is allowed for under the 2017 edition of the CSA Standard.

Give us a call. We can help you work through this!

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